UPDATE: I posted more here. "Earthquake: At what point do the warnings end and the Tribulation punishments begin?" Bible verses, and my reasoning why I think the rapture is coming SOON.

A 8.9 quake occurred last night in Honshu Japan. In addition, more than fifteen quakes occurred in that region that were OVER 6.0, classified as major. Here is one snippet of the USGS page that shows some of them but not all of them:

A tsunami happened subsequent to the quake that reportedly had waves 3 feet high. This 8.9 quake was the fifth largest quake to occur since 1900. Now, the Onagawa Nuclear plant is reportedly on fire. Japan has called a nuclear emergency. Four million people are without power in Tokyo and the massive damage from the quake, tsunami and fires is devastating. Devastating isn't even the word.

Carl Worline opened his latest essay by saying:

"The entire world is on edge because everyone senses that something big is about to happen. Christians know that either the Rapture of the Church or the battle described in Psalm 83 is about to occur. Many Muslims in the Islamic world think their Mahdi is about to return. Members of the New Age Movement look for the arrival of their Maitreya at any moment. The ancient Mayans, various tribes of American Indians, Nostradamus, the notorious 16th century soothsayer Mother Shipton, and Sir Isaac Newton have all predicted a series of cataclysmic worldwide disasters will occur around this time in history. Even the chief ju-ju bead counters who write for the supermarket tabloids are predicting the return of “The King” (Elvis). The Earth longs to be free of the curse it has suffered under ever since the original sin of Adam and Eve. Jesus told us in Matthew 24:7-8 that His return would be preceded by upheavals in nature which He likened to the birth pangs of a woman about to give birth, increasing in intensity and frequency as the moment of the arrival of the child draws ever closer."

I want you, Christian, to think for a moment, that these events are not punishments. They are warnings. The heightened state of agitation, fear, and heartbreak from all these things are not the Tribulation, yet we wake up every morning with a dread to look at the news to see what has happened that was worse than the day before. A year ago things were bad but in the space of the last 365 days the world has experienced "historic" events one after the other than are monumentally worse to comprehend. Yet they are not the Tribulation events. These are warnings.

So...imagine how terrible the tribulation events will be! Please, please, thrown away your fear and WITNESS to people. The quake is a demand from God that He is present and working in the world to awaken the non-believer, threaten the apathetic, and to announce His soon return for us. Don't waste even a precious day navel-gazing. The nature of birth pangs is such that a crescendo is reached suddenly.

Non-believer, these extreme events are not "natural." Things will not get back to normal. They will only worsen. If you cannot believe that they will or even could get worse, listen up: they will. It is because of sin- your sin, my sin, the world's sin. God will not be mocked and He will punish sin. Your acceptance of that fact and your repentance and appeal to Jesus to forgive them is your redemption. He died on the cross as the sacrifice so that YOU could not be punished when the Great Day of the Lord comes. Will you be able to stand when it does? I pray you will. He loves you, He is shaking you even now. Wake up!


  1. I can't stop getting goosebumps in awe of the power of our God! May the people of the World see this as a warning and repent from their sins!

  2. Wake up call indeed. I had a dream last night (before I even knew about this) that I was warning a loved one that something was about to happen.

  3. I agree, Anonymous! I'll be posting something later after work regarding the biblical promises He has made to us and how we know we will not be here to endure the more devastating Tribulation events. I'll post the verses and verse addresses. We need solace in the word, more than ever. If today's global event is THIS bad, imagine how it will be when the Rev 6 quake hits!

    PS; CA and West Coasts ordered to evacuate the coasts, incoming tsunami-

  4. Thank you Elizabeth for being obedient to the calling our Lord has placed on you.
    Just this morning my husband and I were talking about the magnitude of this recent earth quake, larger than the one in Chili!

    God bless you,

  5. Elizabeth,

    I am a missinary in El Salvador and yesterday we were going house to house in a beach town very close to the border of Guatamala after giving two drama presentations in a local school. The people smiled and were pleasant but nobody in any of the houses we visited on the coast wanted to accept Christ as Savior at this time. My partner and I grew discouraged and I said to him that the people in that beautiful place have a false sense of security thinking that there is time for that God stuff later and I went on to say a wall of water could come over this place tomorrow and they would all be gone. When I woke up this morning I was devasted and the very place where our feet touched the ground yesterday is under a tsunami warning today! Please pray that every bible we handed out and every word we shared would be brought to mind today and that many people would receive Christ as a result of what is happening in Japan today!

  6. THANK YOU FOR THIS! I had to rebuke the spirit of fear from me this morning because I have been living in fear and spreading this to people I've even been trying to witness to! God forgive me! I had to turn off the news because they can only focus on the doom and gloom, they would never give an inch of focus to the only real hope, Jesus Christ...I'm just listening to some worship music now. Gotta keep my eyes on Christ.

    I will also start witnessing to anyone I can... even if they reject anything I say, I will still inform them that all that is happening is pointing to the rapture of the church told in the bible so that if it happens, they will know and not be deceived by whatever Alien/UFO deception will be spread like wildfire.

    It's like we are literally at 11:59:58, the final seconds...

  7. I'm sorry but you, my dear, are a religious moron.

    God "warns" us all about the good news by killing thousands?

  8. Hello Theodore Judah,

    is it smart or wise to begin a conversation by calling someone a moron? LOL, no.

    God created the Garden and spent time personally with Adam and Eve. He loved them, taught them and instructed them. Then they disobeyed. Undeterred, God created a people unto Himself and spent time with them personally, loving them, feeding them, and instructing them. They rejected Him. Undeterred, God sent His prophets to share the message of His love. One by one they were all killed. Undeterred, God sent His Son, who spent time personally among the people, loving them, feeding them and instructing them. He was killed. Undeterred, Jesus sent His apostles, and then His missionaries to share the news that Jesus loves them will take care of them, and forgive them of their sins. All but one apostle was killed and many missionaries were too. In His love, He sent the Holy Spirit to inspire the men to write the now closed canon of the greatest love-letter of all time: the bible. Undeterred, He has been sharing this consistent message of love and redemption for the last 6000 years.

    However, He did tell us that at a certain point, He will stop the loving calls and begin the tough love. That time is almost upon us. Yes, He is loving. Did you know that after the Haiti quake, millions repented? They will be welcomed into the kingdom and dwell there for all eternity. I praise Him for His unconditional love.

    Once you have a heavenly perspective and know that you will share eternity with the Savior, a moment of trouble from an earthquake pales in comparison and you see it for what it truly is: a moment. For those who come to Jesus during this time, either by experiencing it directly or by re-evaluating their beliefs because of experiencing it indirectly, they will look back on the quake of March 2011 and be GRATEFUL. So yes, God is love.

  9. Mike Groenewald (South Africa)March 14, 2011 at 3:46 AM

    Theodore Judah, please consider the, "God warns us all about the good news by killing thousands" statement that you have made. Jesus himself warned us and foretold that there would be earthquakes in diverse places.(Matthew, Mark & Luke) So you are insinuating that everything Jesus told was a lie because according to you he wouldn't do something like this by his hand....?

    We are told in the Bible that we must fear GOD.

    Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: FEAR God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.” (Ecclesiastes 12:13)

    Revelation 14:7 - FEAR God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come: and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters.”

    Proof that God is capable of doing things, that might seem bad to us mere humans....
    John 9:1-41
    As he passed by, he saw a man blind from birth. And his disciples asked him, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?” Jesus answered, “It was not that this man sinned, or his parents, but that the works of God might be displayed in him.
    Therefore just as God used this man to display his glory, he can use this earthquake as well.

    All of this is done because we need to fear God and obey him, but most importantly because he Loves us so much that he consistently warns us so that we might be saved!!


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